Rachel Kerslake is a practicing artist based in mid-Cheshire, known for her mixed media abstract landscapes and seascapes, which draw deeply from memories of time and place.

At Cheshire Clay Studios, Rachel creates a warm and inviting atmosphere where students feel free to explore, take risks, and enjoy the process of discovering their own artistic voices. Whether you’re a novice or a seasoned artist, Rachel’s encouragement will help you step out of your comfort zone and unleash your creativity.

Wild Botanicals  6 sessions                   £240 per person

Next courses available: 1 May – 5 June and 4 September – 9 October

Creative Discovery 6 sessions              £240 per person

Next courses available 12 June – 17 July and 16 October – 20 November

All the information about these courses and bookings  are on Rachel’s website: